Vital Proteins vs Great Lakes – Which Is Best For You?

Friday 12th July 2024

There are a ton of amazing collagen protein-peptide powder options on the market today. Collagen is becoming more and more popular for a number of reasons, the main surrounding the anti-aging properties it has.

With so many product options on the market, how do you know which one is best? Do they all have the same ingredients? Do the more expensive options offer a better result than the cheaper ones?

This is why we wanted to talk with you today about two of the more popular options out there when it comes to collagen protein peptides: Vital Protein vs Great Lakes.

These are two of the most popular companies in this industry, so which one is better for you? Does Vital Proteins have more nutritional value that Great Lakes? Does Great Lakes work faster than Viral Proteins, we’ll talk about all that and more.

Let’s start off by talking about the two products with in-depth reviews, along with a list of honest pros and cons.

Vital Proteins vs Great Lakes Overview 

Vital Proteins

Vital Proteins collagen Peptide

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Vital Proteins is known for getting their protein from pasture-raised cows. They do this by sourcing protein from fish in Hawaii, and livestock in Brazil and New Zealand. This product came about because the founder was having joint pain that got worse when he was running.

If you’re an active person, you know how much pain can get you down. The inventor of Vital Proteins wanted to heal his joint and knee pain so that he could continue running, while still taking care of his body.

This product is designed for people who have a moderately active lifestyle, to professional athletes.


  • Blends well
  • No taste
  • Comes with a scoop
  • Promotes hair growth
  • Softens skin
  • Nails grow quickly


  • It’s expensive
  • Blends in hot liquid only

Great Lakes


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One of the biggest things people like about Great Lakes is that it’s a company that has been around since 1922. This means they’ve had plenty of time to work on their product and get rid of any issues they might have had.

This collagen protein-peptide powder comes from pasture-raised cows in Brazil and Argentina. These cows are grass-fed and Great Lakes really likes to focus on animal welfare, as well as the quality of their product and food safety.

It’s made up of hydrolyzed collagen which absorbs quickly into the digestive tract, providing plenty of amino acids to positively impact a lot of metabolic pathways in the body. The type of collagen it’s made out of is naturally produced in the body, so ingesting it won’t be a shock to your system.


  • Promotes cell growth
  • Absorbs quickly
  • Strengthens joints
  • Tasteless
  • Cold water soluble


  • A bit pricey

What Causes Collagen Loss?

So what actually causes the loss of collagen? It can happen for several reasons that may be external or internal. Some things that may cause a loss of collagen could be naturally aging, eating too much sugar, having a nutritional deficiency, or even your genetics.

It’s important to make sure you have the proper amount of collagen in your body to be as healthy as possible. You can start by eating foods that are rich in collagen, or by adding in one of the powders we’re talking about today.

Collagen protein powder is the easiest and quickest way to increase the amount of collagen in your body.

How to Pick a Collagen Powder

If you’re thinking of beginning to use a collagen powder, how do you know which one to go with? There are a ton of options available, but they all do not bring the same results. For starters, it’s good to know that collagen peptide protein powders are required to meet a handful of rules so that they can optimally give you the health benefits that they claim to.

One of the first things you need to know is that the product should come from cattle. If you find a collagen protein powder from chickens, don’t buy it. Buying one that is from cattle has a better amino acid profile. There are way more amino acid glycines which helps to keep you calm, diminish stress, improve the quality of sleep you get and even reduces anxiety.

On the note of cattle collagen, it also contains a ton more proline that other types of collagen. Proline is an amino acid that helps your body to produce hydroxyproline. This is what your body needs to naturally make collagen, along with things like tendons, heart muscles and ligaments.

The second thing that’s important to know is that a high-quality collagen will come from grass-fed or pasture-raised cattle. This means that the cattle are treated better, and the collagen is also of higher quality. You can sometimes find powders that are from both grass-fed and pasture-raised cattle.

The last thing you want to keep your eyes peeled for is a powder that is free from things like coloring agents, binders, sweeteners and soy. These things are unnecessary and won’t do your body any good. It’s important to find powders that have no flavors or natural flavors instead of fake, cheap flavoring.

Points of Comparison

When it comes to Vital Proteins vs Great Lakes, we wanted to show you a handful of comparison points. This mostly surrounds the ingredients and may help you decide between one product over another.


There are different types of sugar out there. You may see fake sugar like aspartame and think it’s a healthier alternative, even though it’s not. Something you want to be aware of when you shopping for a collagen protein-peptide powder is if there is any sugar added.

It is in no way necessary and doesn’t do anything positive for your body. Check out the stats for the two powders we’re covering today:

Vital Protein: Vital Protein does not contain any added or natural sugar. There is 0 grams of sugar per serving.

Great Lakes: Great Lakes also has no added or natural sugar. There is 0 grams of sugar per serving.


Since one of the main ingredients is in the name, we wanted to talk about the protein that can be found in collagen protein powder peptides. Protein is something that can keep us full for a longer amount of time, and also helps with burning fat and gaining muscle. Below we’ve included a bit of information about the protein that is in both powders.

Vital Protein: There are 18 grams of protein in a serving of Vital Protein powder. A serving is considered to be two scoops full. The protein is from grass fed cows and the packaging suggests sticking to just one serving per day.

Great Lakes: There is 12 grams of protein per serving of Great Lakes powder. It is from grass-fed cows that are pasture raised. The packaging suggests having two servings a day, equalling out to 24 grams of protein.


Both Vital Protein and Great Lakes have no added flavouring. This may be a bummer for consumers as some people enjoy fun flavours. The thing is, with collagen protein peptide powders, to get the most benefits possible, you want to reduce any unnecessary ingredients, including flavoring.

There are plenty of powder options on the market that come in flavours such as vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and even birthday cake. These flavours pose no nutritional benefits, and are merely there to please people.

If you’re worried about how the powder is going to taste, don’t worry! Both Vital Protein and Great Lakes have no taste and can be added to a number of things to be easily consumed. Let’s talk more about how to consume collagen.

How to take Collagen?

So how does one take collagen? Well for starters, you can eat collagen-rich foods such as cabbage, salmon, red fruits and vegetables, beans, carrots, olives, citrus fruits and more. Consuming more of these foods will help increase the amount of collagen your body has, but how about these powders?

Collagen protein peptide powders are most commonly consumed by adding them to beverages. Since it is in powder form, they dissolve best in warm to hot drinks such as tea and coffee. If you don’t enjoy a cup of tea or coffee throughout your day, you can add it into smoothies, soups, chili or oatmeal.

Actress Jennifer Garner recently shared her favorite collagen smoothie recipe on her Instagram page. If you want to give her recipe a try, follow the instructions below.

Collagen Smoothie Recipe by Jennifer Garner

2 scoops of protein powder (or 1 serving)

1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed
A single tablespoon of chia seeds
1 tablespoon of almond butter
1 ½ cups of almond milk

Handful of fresh spinach
Small handful of ice
A handful of blueberries

Mix this all together in a blender and enjoy! If you want even more collagen, consider adding in some lemon or strawberries. Overall, this is one healthy smoothie that will not only give you several health benefits, but it will keep you full throughout the day due to all the protein that it’s packed with! Thanks, Jen!


What are collagen peptides?

Collagen peptides are basically building blocks in your body. They are used to renew body tissue like your skin or bones. Collagen peptides promote healthy aging, along with healthy bones and skin.

Is collagen bad for your kidneys?

One thing you may want to be aware of is if you have high blood pressure. Often times, people with elevated blood levels have a lot of collagen which can put you at risk for heart failure, along with kidney failure. Just like any other supplement you put in your body, it is best to ask your doctor before consuming.

What’s the difference between collagen peptides and collagen protein?

Well, they are made up of the same amino acids, but the biggest difference are the properties they’re made up of. Collagen peptides are more bioavailable, meaning they can absorb quicker into the bloodstream.

Which type of collagen is best?

Type 1 collagen is the most popular type that is naturally made in your body. This type of collagen helps with things like your hair, skin and nails. It’s also the main structural component in your bones, organs and tendons. Basically, type 1 collagen has the most benefits and is the best type available for consumption.


Primal Kitchen 

primal kitchen collagen fuel

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Sports Research Collagen Peptide

sports research collagen peptide (1)

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These collagen protein peptide powders aren’t the end all be all when it comes to getting your daily dose of collagen. I wanted to include a handful of alternative options that can be used in place or in addition to one of the powders above. Just like any other supplement, you don’t want to take too much of it, so be sure to talk with a healthcare professional to get a proper dosage for you as an individual.


There are plenty of foods rich in collagen that you can eat. Think of foods that are high in protein like salmon, nuts and oils. Bone broth, egg whites and spirulina are some foods that have the most naturally occuring amount of collagen in them. These are great natural sources of collagen, that are much cheaper than expensive powders.

Skin Cream

If you’re needing collagen for your skin, there are plenty of skin creams available. They act by adding a layer of film to your skin so that you lose less water to keep your skin more hydrated. On the topic of skin, make sure you always use sunscreen and keep yourself protected from harsh rays to keep your collagen levels up.


Gelatin is essentially collagen. It’s incredibly easy for your body to ingest and absorb, making it a great source to get your collagen from. You can add it to water, or make a fun jell-o dish, just make sure that it is grass-fed gelatin and not the highly processed junk you’ll find in the store.

Vital Proteins vs Great Lakes – Which Is Better For You?

I think that both Vital Protein and Great Lakes are unique in their own way.

If you’re someone that cares a lot about animals and wants to make sure that your collagen powder comes from animals that are treated well, you may prefer Great Lakes over Vital Protein.

Both of these options fall into the same price range too. The biggest downfall is that collagen protein powder isn’t the cheapest thing on the market. If you’re tight on a budget, start out by consuming foods that are rich in collagen until you can afford to invest in high-quality powders like Vital Protein or Great Lakes.

If you’re an athlete that is more focused on joint and bone health, rather than skin and nails, you may be interested in Vital Protein. It’s perfect for improving your strength and getting your bones and joints to their peak potential.

While both products have a lot of protein, if we’re going by serving size, Great Lakes has a bit more. If you consume these powders according to the packaging, you’ll get 24 grams of protein per day with Great Lakes and 18 grams of protein per day with Vital Protein.

Lastly, if you’re on a specific diet like keto or whole 30, make sure you find a collagen protein powder that fits the diet accordingly. Vital Protein is approved for both of those diets and is also gluten-free.

Whichever product you land on, we hope it improves your overall health and you see the results you’re looking for. You’d be surprised what adding a scoop of powder into your morning smoothie or cup of joe can do for you.

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