Karina Elle Diet and Workout – This Fitness Superstars’ Secrets To Looking Great

Wednesday 26th February 2025

I have been trying the same diet and fitness workout for weeks now and am not happy with the results. I am sure you know what I mean! Eating boring foods and working out till I drop – with no tangible results.

I need a life-changing routine that is

  • Exciting
  • Fun to follow
  • I can workout in the comfort of my own home
  • Will make the family want to take part
  • Has meaningful results
  • Allows me to eat proper meals – no crazy diets
  • Improves overall health, fitness, and well being

Surfing on Instagram recently, I came across a very exciting diet / workout routine. The lady who devised it is Karina Elle and many of her clients are superstars. Well, that sounded good to me!

Read on for more info on the Karina Elles Diet And Workout and how it is working for me.


Karina Elle Lisenbee is a new-generation  Instagram fitness model. She is also a gym instructor and former cross-country runner.

Like many other supermodels, a photographer spotted her in a shopping mall and her career was set at age 16. She started modeling and took part in the sport of Bikini Modelling where she featured in magazines like Racked, Hers, Self, and Shape. She went on to win the World Fitness Federation Pro Bikini Championship.

Karina posts actively on Instagram and offers a lifestyle diet and fitness workout that is exciting and challenging. She has brand endorsement deals with Gymshark and Nike, and also has her own line of merchandise known as Gym Bae.


Here are the key points of Karina Elles Diet

Balanced Diet, not limited to any specific food group

What I really enjoy about Karina Elles Diet is that it is balanced. I am not one to only eat meat or carrots for five weeks. To me, that just doesn’t sound healthy. I also enjoy not having to measure out portions. That is really a mission and has put me off many diets in the past.

Includes a workout regime 

Karina Elles promotes a balanced diet combined with a workout. That is an important part of the plan. Thinking that you can diet and chill out on the couch is not going to work.

No need to feel guilty if you want the occasional treat

The first step is to avoid unhealthy junk foods and fatty foods as much as possible. Don’t eat a burger and drink a milkshake everyday for lunch at work. But, if you really feel like splashing out on a treat once in a while, it is also cool to do that. The Karina Elles diet won’t make you feel guilty. I like this because feeling guilty about eating the ‘wrong foods’ turns a diet into a huge drag. It is also is not good for your emotional state.

Further on I will chat about some of her treats, that are decadent and also have nutritional value.

No counting calories or weighing food

Karina does not count calories. She does concentrate on portion control. She also promotes having 4 to 5 smaller meals in a day, rather than the usual large 3 meals. And, skipping a meal, especially breakfast, is a no-go.

Choose simple, natural foods that you cook yourself

Including natural healthy fruit and veggies is a large part of the diet. Karina cooks up potatoes, chicken, broccoli, avocados, and eggs. With a balanced diet, you can head for a workout, knowing that your body has all the nutrients, energy, and stamina you need for a session that will give results.


So, what is special about this diet?

I found that

  • It is very easy to cook up interesting and tasty meals
  • You can have the occasional treat and not feel guilty
  • It does not focus on only one food group bit includes them all
  • I can eat many smaller meals throughout the day – ideal for busy people on-the-go
  • The whole family can take part and I don’t feel like a ‘spare-part’
  • It provides your body with all the nutrients, vitamins and energy you need to be able to workout
  • I am seeing a body change, getting fitter, stronger and feeling a sense of overall well-being


While researching the many types of diets on the market, I realize that many of these diets are really bad for you. They may promote fast weight loss, but behind the scenes, they cause damage to your body.

Take for instance

A protein only diet

Eating too much protein such as red meat and dairy products can increase the risk of heart disease. Excess proteins can put strain on the kidneys as the body has trouble eliminating the waste products of protein metabolism.

Vegan Diet

While Vegan diets are all the rage, you have to be careful and ensure that you are eating enough iron, zinc, vitamin D, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. If one does not manage this diet properly, you can develop Vitamin-B12 deficiency

Detox Diets

Detox Diets sound a bit like a ‘miracle-cure’ You will flush out all the toxins and be a new person. In reality, many of these diets do not work. There is also the concern over some of the procedures which can sound scary liver flushes, bodily cleanses, colonics, hormone injections and such may not be what you need. Science has shown that the body can cleanse itself properly if you eat the correct foods without resorting to these extreme measures.

Miracle Foods

Everyone loves a little magic and believing that a ‘Miracle Food’ will solve all the problems is just that – a wish! Drinking loads of Green tea, or eating pounds of Goji Berries may provide some of the vitamins and nutrients needed. But, they do not give a balanced diet.

So – What is the Scientific Info on Karina Elles Diet?

Eating a balanced diet that provides you with the required amount of protein, healthy fats, fiber, carbs, vitamins, minerals, and water is what you need to stay fit and healthy. By allowing you to eat all these food groups in moderation, Karina Elles Diet does just that.

Not only that, I personally believe its good for your mental health too. I quite look forward to having different meals, and not worrying about calorie control.


I researched around for healthy meals Karina will be having. Two of them I grabbed off an article by Karina on ideal fit, who she is an ambassador for.

Chicken Stuffed With Mozzarella, Tomato, and Basil

chicken_karina elle recipe


Karina Elle Diet_Chicken Stuffed With Mozzarella Tomatoand Basil



Directions_Karina Elle Diet_chicken recipe

Sweet Potato Carbonara with Kale..Yum!

Sweet potato_karina elle meal


Sweet Potato canberra recipe

Directions_sweet potato recipe by Karina Elle


Other Sweet Potato Recipes

I never heard new you could this before. Apparently, you can! Throw your sweet potato in the toaster…

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Wahooo!!! Another episode of #karinaskitchen , your fave insta cooking show. 😂😂😂. . 👉🏼Here’s how to make Sweet Potato Toast! MIND BLOWING, I know. 🔸Slice sweet potato into toast- like pieces (about 1/4 inch thick) & add to toaster. Took me 3 rounds for them to cook through and be slightly ‘browned’. (Might have to experiment here depending on how hot your toaster gets). 🔸Top how you would decorate bread! Some fun combos to try:🔹almond buttter, fruit of choice (sliced bananas, blueberries, apples), honey, cinnamon 🔹sliced avocado, cheese, salt🔹tuna, eggs, sriracha sauce. The possibilities are endlessssss. And it’s actually really tasty! Enjoy!!! Xx😂🤙🏻. . If you like my gymbae cropped hoodie you can rock one from: http://karinaelleshop.merchlabs.com (Discount code: GYMBAE for 20% off) ILY!!! 💪🏼💕

A post shared by KARINA ELLE💗 (@karinaelle) on

Or some Chai Protein

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🇬🇧✈️🇺🇸Back on the other side of the pond and my body clock has no idea what time it is. 😳 BUT IT'S OK!!! Because you can have oatmeal for any meal of the day. ✅Oats are my favorite because it's super fibrous & filling, ✅easy to make, and ✅has the potential to taste like guilt-free dessert. I eat it for breakfast, an afternoon snack, or a midnight craving. 💯Today I'm sharing my favorite chai recipe. It actually does taste like CHRISTMAS. 🎄Here's how to PIMP YOUR OATMEAL! 😝 🔆Mix oats, coconut milk, and chopped apples in a pot and boil until oats are cooked. 🔆Let cool and then add in @idealfit chai protein. You can take advantage of all the supps on sale right now for Cyber Monday at idealfit.com❗️💪🏼💕 (Shop the link in my bio for 60% off! Discount code: karina) 🔆I like to top mine with blueberries, cinnamon, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds and agave! 👏🏻Bon appetit!❤️☺️

A post shared by KARINA ELLE💗 (@karinaelle) on


Karina Elles has a diverse workout routine. It covers running, weightlifting and circuit training. It has elements of HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) and endurance training.

Here are some of the routines

Bodybuilding Leg Workout

To have great legs you need to focus on the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. These routines do that using isolation exercises that focus on specific muscle groups.

Endurance Leg Workout

For extra strength in your legs, Karina does HIIT together with body-building exercises. In these exercises, the rep range is higher but the weights are lower. They are designed to limit the amount of rest between sets, so you move quickly on to the next challenge.

Bodybuilding Upper Body Workout

Karina is not building a weight lifter’s body. But, upper body strength is vital. Lifting lighter weights with more volume does the job for a strong upper body.

Endurance Upper Body Workout

Endurance is part of a well-rounded exercise plan. Circuit running is great for breathing, fitness, working all the muscles, improving stamina, and adding to weight loss.


Plyometrics – Gives the benefits of both cardio, and resistance training at the same time.

Running – On the circuit, outdoors, or on the treadmill. Running is one of her favorites.

Hack Squats – Do them in the middle, or near the end of the workout.

Deadlifts – An overall bodybuilding exercise that forms a vital part of Karina Elles training program.


Having a fitness plan with a variety of different exercises and methods is far more beneficial to the body.

  • It exercises all parts of the body
  • You get the benefit of cardio, resistance training, high-impact training, and endurance training
  • You will never get bored doing the same thing day after day
  • It keeps you interested, you will see results and achieve a feeling of well-being

KARINA ELLES Workout Video

Take a look at this video, to see the type of workouts Karina does. 

I love that I can do the first few exercises at home in my living room, or in my garden. I can stay fit without going to the gym every day.

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