If you have found it a daunting task to maintain a girlish figure in your 20s, well, losing weight after 30, becomes, even more, a more significant challenge but with good reason. According to Julie Upton, the co-founder for appetite for Health, you must become more observant about the quality and quantity of food you eat in your 30s as your body metabolism slows down in these years.
This is also typically the time when you are probably reaching the peak of your career and with a small family to manage; hence you have little time for self-care. Losing weight is no easy task.
But before you throw out those skinny jeans yet, here are a few strategies you can implement to shed off that stubborn weight!
Materials needed
- Online food tracker or journal
- Pedometer
- Cardio work out
- Fitness gear or comfortable clothing
- Work out space with minimal distractions
If you are working on losing weight, it essential that you keep track of what you are eating and drinking every day. Keep a journal or use online food trackers that save up that data for you.
While ensuring that you eat a balanced diet, your food should be enriched with vitamins, folic acid and calcium. Most individuals begin to lose their bone mass at 35. It is therefore critical that you keep your bones healthy to prevent such diseases as Spina Bifida.
Body metabolism has been identified to reduce by 2% every decade. Most individuals accept continuous weight gain as an inherent ageing process.
While this may not be exactly true, it is critical to engage in activities that are likely to boost your metabolism rate. Healthline offers the following ways which you can use your diet to increase your metabolism rate.
Take plenty of protein.
Taking food increases your metabolism rate for short periods. This is termed as the thermic effect of food. Proteins increase the thermic effect of food by 15-30% way higher as compared to other food nutrients. Protein consumption makes you feel fuller and prevents you from overeating.
Drink cold water
Rather than taking cold sugary drinks, drinking cold water has been identified to speed up body metabolism. According to PubMed
Central, drinking 0.5 litres of cold water increases your body metabolism by
10-30%. Your body consumes energy to build up your body temperature, thus increasing the calorie-burning effect. Drinking water before eating also makes you feel full.
According to PubMedCentral, individuals who consumed water before eating lost 44% more weight as compared to those who did not.
Diet plan for 35 year old woman
Consume food that is fortified with vitamins and folic acid. These include such cereals as beans, peas, lentils and chicken peas. Leafy green vegetables and oranges and lean beef are also good sources of iron and folic acid. In order to boost your calcium levels, it is essential to consume low-fat dairy picks such as milk and cheese.
Consuming probiotic food such as yoghurt and miso soup also results in a considerable reduction in body mass index in overweight adults. Here are the crucial ingredients that should be included in your diet plan
These will assist in slowing down the ageing process. Phytonutrients contain antioxidants that ward off heart diseases and prevent potential changes in your DNA that could cause cancer. You can get phytonutrients from consuming from plants, dark chocolate, coffee or even your regular glass of wine
Research carried out by Penn State University, indicates that, women with deficient iron levels performed poorly in their cognitive tasks as compared to women with normal levels of iron. A daily dose of 18 milligrams of iron is required which you can get from consuming your regular green vegetables or lean beef.
If you considering having a baby, folate is essential in supporting a healthy pregnancy and preventing neural tube defects. You can get this by consuming chicken peas, broccoli or avocados.
Exercising in your 20s probably came with ease, well, this becomes slightly more challenging in your 30s as you have to cooperate with your body changes equally. Losing weight after 30 requires that not only focus on cutting down the weight but also building muscle all over your body, including cardio exercise.
For each week, have two strength practicing intervals, with 48 hours break for your muscles to relax. It is essential to engage in cardio exercises to burn calories at least 3 to 4 days per week. You can also include jogging, walking or use an elliptical to enhance your cardio exercises practices. Your key focus should be on strengthening your bone mass, core muscles and back.
Basic work out exercises to engage in
Here are a few exercises you can engage in according to SportzBusiness
1. Diagonal Dumbbell Lunge Curl
Bend your right knee at 90 degrees while keeping your left knee above the floor. Ensure that your torso is upright as your left knee comes up. Push off the floor with your right leg as you exhale. Return to your initial position and perform a biceps curl. This exercise helps strengthen your lower body, specifically targeting your hamstrings and quads. It also improves your lower body stability.
2. Push up
Traditional push up is crucial in building your upper body strength. They also strengthen your lower back by engaging your abdominal muscles. Push-ups are advantageous in that they can be carried out anywhere and do not require any equipment. You can always add a little fun to it and ask your little ones to sit on your back as you do the push-up! Of course, that is if your little one is not too heavy!
3. Exercise ball crunch
You will probably have noticed by now just how difficult it is to zip up those skinny jeans. Well, as we age, fat settles around the belly area as a result of reduced levels of oxygen which influences the distribution of fat in the body. This fat is more difficult to deal with. Crunch exercises engage the abdominal muscles and assist in burning extra fat stored in this area.
For this exercise, lie on a ball with your back fully supported and your legs off the ground. Have your hands across the chest or behind your head. Contract your abs while lifting your torso up and forward. Keep inhaling when your lower back is down.
4. Cardio exercises
Did you know that for every time you beat your son in a cycling game you lose 0.5 inches of your waistline? Well, not exactly but you can try. Cycling has been known to assist in burning excess belly fat while shedding off those embarrassing love handles. Do not be left indoors this time when your son or daughter is out cycling. It’s time to join in!
What To Keep In Mind When Exercising
Now that you are geared up for your regular exercises as you did ten years ago, let face it, you are not 25 years any more. You will probably realize that you tire more easily and probably run out of breath. Let this not deter you; here are a few precautions you can include in your schedule for an easier time.
Have small and realistic goals
The truth is you will probably take a little longer to shed off that extra weight. Be patient with yourself and set manageable goals. As you work each day, your body will adjust accordingly, and you will be able to achieve more over time.
Ask the help of an expert.
By the time you are 35, you probably have a lot of responsibility to deal with and may not have the discipline required to manage your weight. Involve a trainer in your exercises to guide you on what you need to do as well as maintain the discipline to achieve it.
Be gentle with yourself.
Your bones are not as strong as they were a few years ago. Take precautions when challenging your limits to avoid injuries.
Poorly managed stressed levels lead to a surge in the cortisol levels in your body, leading to increased appetite. Cortisol does not only affect how much weight you gain but also influences where you put on the weight.
While it may be impossible to avoid stress, you must identify your stress triggers as well as when your stress levels need to be managed.
At 35, you are likely to be going through a transition. It’s at this age where most individuals are under pressure to make life time decisions. This may include the decision to get married, have more children or make changes in their careers.
You are likely to face regrets on decisions that you made in the past. Sally Brown, a coach and a counsellor advocates for the following ways to manage your stress at this age
Be kind to yourself and treat yourself as you would treat one of your good friends. Ground yourself in today’s moment. While in as much you may have made a few mistakes in the past, you have equally done some good that is worth celebrating.
Give yourself a break.
The demands for taking care of a young family while pursuing a career can be overwhelming. Take time off each day and spend it on yourself. You can use this time to watch your favorite movie, or visit a beauty spar or merely taking a well-deserved nap.
Spend time with family and friends
Spend time is essential in managing your stress. Talking to someone helps you come up with possible solutions or broadens your view of the issues at hand.
While age is a significant factor in losing weight after 30, your hormones could equally affect how well you manage your weight. Such hormones as estrogen, leptin, insulin do affect not only your monthly cycle but also influence your metabolism as well as your mood.
How hormones affect your weight management
Oestrogen plays a crucial role in fat distribution in your body. High levels of oestrogen cause weight gain around the thighs and hips. Low levels of oestrogen cause excess fat around the middle area.
Having high levels of oestrogen also leads to an imbalance in the progesterone hormone, which leads to excessive bloating. Several reasons could lead to an imbalance in the oestrogen levels such as the use of birth control pills, stress or exposure to pesticides.
Insulin serves the function of balancing blood sugar levels. Resistance to insulin results in excess weight gain as excess glucose in the body is turned into fats.
Thyroid hormone
The thyroid hormone controls body metabolism. Low levels of the thyroid hormone would result in weight gain as few or minimal calories are broken down.
To balance your hormones, you can include any of the following in your diet; herbal tea, green tea, whole grains or regularly consume fruits and vegetables. Avoiding processed food and sugary drinks goes a long way in balancing your hormones. Visit a health professional where natural ways fail to balance your hormones.
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