Friday 27th December 2024

Are you drinking Huel protein Shake to supplement your diet, help with weight loss, or add to your fitness regime? You are probably getting great benefits.

One unwanted side effect that many people ask about is – Why does Huel make you fart? Huel may cause excess gas build-up in your intestinal tracts that can lead to very embarrassing bouts of farting. This is a natural process that happens when the ingredients in the protein shakes are digested.

So, how can one get rid of these unpleasant symptoms?

Here are a few suggestions. I don’t guarantee that they will all work for you. But giving them a try can certainly go a long way to solving this embarrassing problem.

Step 1. Include natural teas in your diet

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There are many natural teas that can be taken to aid the digestion process and stop bad farts. They also soothe the stomach and help with several gastrointestinal problems.

A good one to start with is peppermint tea. Peppermint tea contains flavonoids that are thought to inhibit the activity of mast cells that live in your gut and contribute to bloating. Peppermint tea is refreshing and gives you a perk-up without caffeine. It also helps with headaches and gives you a fresher breath.

Another soothing herbal tea that you can add to your list is Ginger tea. This is an acquired taste, so it may not be for everyone. Ginger tea claims to have many health benefits including aiding digestion, which will reduce bloating and gas build-up.

Jeera water or cumin tea, is another natural drink that is known to aid digestion. It is a popular drink in the Indian culture. Cumin is also an antioxidant and is thought to reduce blood cholesterol. If you prefer not to drink cumin as a tea, you can use it in vegetable or meat dishes.

Dill is also used as a digestive aid by many people. It is a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and magnesium. Dill is known to cure intestinal gas. Brew it into a tea and give it a try. You can also use it as a spice in meat, fish, and salad dishes.

Step 2. Do more exercise

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Many people who take protein shakes are already exercising regularly. If you are not, starting some form of daily exercise may be a remedy for your flatulence problem.

Many health websites claim that exercise helps to reduce gas build-up by strengthening the stomach walls. Strong stomach walls help to move gas through the intestines faster.

A planned exercise regime of Yoga, Pilates, swimming, running, or even a brisk walk will greatly improve your overall health and help strengthen your digestive system. This may be a simple solution to your complaint that Huel gives me gas.

Step 3. Include natural Probiotics in your diet

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Probiotics are live ‘good’ bacteria that are known to aid digestion, and help to reduce gas and flatulence. You can find them in a number of foods in their natural form. You can also take them as dietary supplements.

Because I prefer to choose natural foods whenever possible, here are a few of the options that you can try.

Yogurt is full of natural probiotics. Some brands of yogurt specifically advertise that they have active probiotics, try to look for those.

Another natural product to eat that will boost your probiotic intake is kimchi. For those who are unfamiliar with kimchi, it has Korean roots and is eaten as a side dish. Kimchi is made of fermented napa cabbage and Korean radish. It is seasoned with garlic, ginger, and chili powder. Don’t overdo eating Kimchi as you want the probiotics, but not the bad farts that the vegetables may give you.

For those who enjoy a sour taste, sauerkraut is a well-known German dish, made from cabbage using a fermenting process. Sauerkraut is known for its probiotic benefits and is also rich in vitamin A, B, and C.

Step 4. Stop chewing gum

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While this may sound crazy, chewing gum causes stomach gas. When you swallow air, it can lead to farting. Air in small amounts is swallowed naturally during the day and night. However, chewing gum greatly increases the intake of air.

Chewing too much gum can also have other negative effects. If it contains sugar, you will increase the risk of tooth decay. Some studies also show that too much chewing can cause TMD, or temporomandibular dysfunction. In simple words, this means overworking your jaw muscles which cause painful spasms in the jaw, neck, and head.

Step 5. Avoid foods known to create gas and bloating

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While your Huel protein shake could be causing farts, there are many other foods that do the same.

Before dumping the Huel shake, it is worth looking at some of the other causes. Reducing these could have a positive effect and you can keep taking your shake.

Everyone knows that beans are one of the main culprits of gas. Apple and prune juice are also at the top of the list. Drinking carbonated drinks causes burping and farting. Slow down on these!

Beer is another culprit that causes gas. Drinking beer releases carbon dioxide gas which can build up in the intestines. It is also packed full of yeast which tends to grow in the intestinal tracts. Together with the added sugars, beer becomes a prime candidate for flatulence. If you are combining a diet with Huel and beer, stop taking one of the two for a week and see if the situation improves. This can help to pinpoint the cause – is it the shake or is it the beer?

Some other foods to try to avoid are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, lentils, peas, cauliflower, onions, and dried fruits.

If you are an avid reader of the ingredients list on products, look for names like mannitol, sorbitol, or maltitol. These are all alcohol sugars that are known to cause flatulence. They are often found in sugar-free foods, low-carb foods and many protein shakes.

Dairy products like cheese and milk cause gas too. This is a huge culprit. Before ditching your Huel shake, take a closer look at how much dairy you consume and consider reducing it to see if you get positive results.

Step 6. Eat slowly and chew your food

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I am sure your Mom told you this when you were a kid, and it still holds true to this day.

Gulping down food at speed increases your intake of air, which increases gas in your intestines. It can also give you a stomach ache.

While we all eat on-the-run, it is best to try to have relaxed mealtimes, whether it is at home or at the office. Eat and drink slowly, and chew your food well. This all helps towards better digestion, which leads to less gas and farting.

Most importantly, treat your Huel protein drink as food. Don’t down in one go. Sip it slowly and reduce the amount of air you are swallowing. You may find that this simple remedy reduces your gas problems.

Step 7. Choose another type of protein shake

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Another option to reduce gas, bloating and flatulence is to change your protein shake.

There are several options on the market that claim not to cause bloating or flatulence. I have not tried them, but reading their websites, it may be worth a try, there are no guarantees.

Some of the culprits in protein shakes that cause farting are milk-based proteins, sugar alcohols, and fiber. Look for a shake that does not contain milk-based proteins. There are many shakes that use pea protein and soy as alternatives.

By changing to a non-dairy protein you may get better results. Whey-based shakes have far less lactose and are easier to digest. There are also shakes that claim to have zero sugar alcohol and no fiber.

Step 8. Look for Over-The-Counter remedies

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There are also OTC, or over-the-counter remedies for easing flatulence and digestive discomfort. Many of them contain simethicone and charcoal.

Charcoal is porous and can help to trap gas molecules. Simethicone is a medication that breaks down gas bubbles. Products that combine these two are effective in reducing stomach gas.

Always do your research and look for reputable products. Read the instructions carefully and follow them. You will find that some products are designed to be taken before meals, and others are for use after meals.

Step 9. Take digestive enzyme supplements

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Many people who have digestive problems find that taking enzyme supplements go a long way towards helping bloating, cramps, and gas.

Digestive supplements can be bought at a pharmacy and work by mimicking what natural digestive enzymes do in the body. By aiding digestion, you may very well notice that gas build-up is reduced.

Here are some of the most common ingredients in enzyme supplements and what they do in the body.

Lipase is said to reduce symptoms of gas and bloating. It is made of derivatives from cows, pigs, plants, and fungi. If you are a vegan, this will not be for you. Like many supplements, scientific evidence is sometimes scarce, but as Lipase is not harmful, it is worth a try.

Bromelain comes from the stem and pulp of pineapples. Again, scientific evidence may be lacking, but some indications show that it aids in the digestion of proteins.

Lactase is produced naturally by the body in the small intestine. Adding lactase to your diet helps to break down and absorb lactose. Lactose is found in dairy products. Many people who are lactose intolerant suffer from a lack of lactase and are unable to digest dairy products.

Most health-related articles on digestive supplements recommend that you contact your doctor before taking them. Please do so! Some can have negative effects if taken with prescription medication.

Step 10. Cut down on Gluten

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Eating foods that are high in gluten is a no-go for people who are gluten-intolerant. You may not be gluten intolerant, but these foods could be causing excessive gas to build up in your intestinal tracts.

Foods like wheat products, bread, and pasta can lead to wind. Grains like rye and barley are also culprits.

A common symptom of gluten intolerance is a feeling of being bloated or full, even after eating small amounts. This also leads to the feeling of a large build-up of gas. Stop eating gluten for a week and observe the results. If you feel a whole lot better, you may have some level of gluten-intolerance.

Step 11. Stop taking Huel

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If all else fails, you can assess the situation by a process of elimination. Stop taking your Huel shake! Leave it out of your diet for a week or so and observe the results. If you are still struggling with gas, then Huel is probably not the problem.

If your gas stops, start the Huel again and check if the gas comes back. If it does, then you can be fairly sure that this is the cause of the problem.

Read our many blogs recommending other protein shakes that may be better for you.


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