Weight Loss Supplements Celebrities Use

Friday 26th July 2024

So what are weight loss supplements celebrities use? Its all quite a mystery. Maybe its down to diet, to exercise. Maybe a combination?

So there in lies the question, can a mere mortal withstand the obstacles of society and lose weight on the level of celebrity status? Absolutely. With the right mind frame, will power, discipline, nutirion, and system in place weight loss can be more simple than you ever envisioned.

As with anyone who has lost weight there is one value you have to upkeep…. Hard work! Most importantly discipline. Celebrities may have all the money and resources to lose weight but they still have 24 hours in a day just like you! They also live busy lives believe it or not.

So if you’re not willing to put in the work nothing great is ever going to happen. I state this because pills, and supplements alone are not the holy grail. They certainly can help but diet and little bit of exercise is a must.

Warning! With all the celebrities in this article, their weight loss was not down purely to a special pill or weight loss secret. They all followed a calorie deficit diet and a exercise routine. So if you want there results. Be prepared to do the same.

Let’s check out the supplements some of these celebrities used that helped them lose weight.

1. Dr Oz: Forskolin among others

Dr Oz Show weight loss pills forskolin

First on the list is only one of the most well known doctors in America… Doctor OZ. Now this guy has been around the block for a while. He first came to the public eye when he frequently appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show.

He went on to have his own show called the “The doctor Oz show.”

Critics attack doctor on the basis he is a pseudo science promoter. Essentially, Doctor OZ promotes products that are not fully backed by scientific evidence but rather “hype.”

Nonetheless, many of the products that he promotes are sold on major supplement websites such as amazon and My Protein and do have research supporting their weight loss inducing capabilities albeit a small amount.

My opinion:

When there is a lot of hype surrounding a product or service the real answer lies in your own results and also through looking at the scientific evidence that supports a product.

I say test yourself because I used to have psoriasis and I got rid of it though a clean diet eating anti-inflammatory foods, absolutely zero sugar and drinking lots of alkaline water. This would flush my body of all the toxins that had built up over the years.

Research was mixed on the subject of diet to help psoriasis, yet it worked for me! The doctor even said I should take steroids!…saying that it would cure my condition.

I mean no offence, but it doesn’t take a genius to workout that steroids is a short term fix to ones appearance and can have some serious negative consequences long term.

Consequently, do your own research and always get a second opinion.

Taking all this into consideration, lets look at some of main supplements DR OZ promotes. First on the list is Forskolin.

Forskolin: Doctor Oz is confident on the benefits of Forskolin.

Forskolin is a natural extract found in Coleus plant in India. It’s a special plant that can help increase metabolism,,while, and muscle growth. It can also increase anti oxidant levels in the body which keep the immune system strong and healthy.

Forskolin promotes the release of fat that is stored. More energy being released it can act as a catalyst in dropping the pounds.

Here is a quick list of the benefits:

• Controls weight
• Can be used as a treatment for cancer
• Maintenance of muscle mass
• Lowers high blood pressure

Forskolin is certainly not a “fat melter” that will solve all your weight issues. Nonetheless the benefits have been backed by the small amount of studies done so far.

Two main studies have been conducted on effect of Forskolin on weightloss. The first study took place at the university of Kansas. Obese men were tested for a 12 week period in which each man would either take a placebo or a small percentage of Forskolin extract twice a day.

The research showed that there was “a trend toward a significant increase for lean body mass in the Forskolin group compared to the placebo group.”

Positive decreases in body fat percentage were also found in the test group who took Forskolin.

In another scientific study results were also positive. The exercise and sport nutrition laboratory at the university of Texas tested the impact of forskolin extract on 23 slightly overweight woman.

The bottom line is that Forsklolin is not a “miracle cure” or “fat melter” not by a long shot which Dr Oz states.

The small studies show positive results but not on the level that DR Oz describes. Nonetheless, its fair to say that Forskolin can be used as an effective supplement in losing weight.

As mentioned above Forskolin can help control weight, meaning it prevents weight gain, and also decrease body fat. I like to think of it like vitamins.

We all know that vitamins are vital to keep us healthy yet, we also know purely eating vitamin C and E and whatever tablets on their own is not going to make you healthy if your diet is poor and there are other nutrient imbalances.

Consequently, being a miracle cure is a myth. No supplement in the world on its own is going to make you lose weight. Fact. Nonetheless, there are very little side effects from taking Forskolin and it has been proven to lose weight based on the minimal studies conducted.

20% Discount off Forskolin

2. Snooki: Zantrex

Weight Loss Supplements Celebrities Use

Remember that minnie girl from jersey shore. The one who looked like she could fit into the cup of your hand. The older generation may not know her but the millenials certainly do.

Snooki became famous off her stint in the jersey shore and since then has made her name in the fitness and health community for losing weight. Only standing at 4’9’’ she was able to shed 15 pounds which is a substantial amount for a girl her size during 2011.

During the time she endorsed Zantrex 3, which is a weight loss supplement. Criticism arose over her untruthful claims that this pill was the secret to her dramatic weight loss.

I decided to take a look at the ingredients in Zantrex 3. Some of the ingredients are as follows:

1. Guarana seed extract,
2. Yerba mate,
3. Green Tea extract
4. Thea Sinensis leaves
5. Kola extract
6. Asian ginseng
7. Caffeine
8. Black pepper extract

Whats quite worrying is that Zantrex has a high amount of caffeine. One thing to note about the supplement industry is that some supplements are not subject to FDA regulations.

In this case it means the creators, “Zoller laboratories”, can fill the supplement full of as much caffeine as they see fit. Who know what impact this may have on your body especially in the concentrated form of a extract.

The right amount of caffeine can be great for that needed energy and mental alertness. However, too much is dangerous considering it raises your blood pressure and causes your heart to work unnecessarily hard.

Now whenever you see Snooki on TV, she gives more of a genuine answer to her weight. Good diet, less portions, plenty of water, and exercise. The main building blocks of weight loss and always will be.

So whats the verdict on Zandrex?… It’s a resounding no. Best stay away from this supplement. It may be more on the affordable end of the spectrum, however, its not worth the risk to your body considering the potential harmful side effects the supplement can cause.

3. Wyonna Judd – Alli

wynonna judd alli

If you don’t know who Wynonna Judd is then you’ve been living under a rock your whole life…kidding. If you happen to be a country music fan you would know that Wyonna Judd is a country music singer.

Alli hired Wynonna Judd as a brand spokesperson. She appeared in the products national marketing campaign. Who knows how much Wynonna uses Alli, if at all.

Nonetheless, Alli prides itself on being the only FDA approved, over the counter weight loss aid in the UK.

This is something that sets it apart from other weight loss products on the market. Most supplements are quite loose in terms of their regulation or are made in a FDA approved facility but not actually FDA approved.

Not only is Alli FDA approved but the weight loss pill has been clinically proven to lose weight. Obviously Alli is no quick fix or wonder pill but there are is no denying that Alli does have some weight loss inducing abilities.

The supplement has been around for a long time with Alli first coming to the market in 2007. The fact you can find it in local pharmaceutical chains in the uk like boots and Lloyds pharmacy provides it with a decent amount of credibility. If large retail giants give the go ahead to sell the supplement in their stores then it is seen as a valid supplement in their eyes.

America’s local pharmaceutical companies also sell Alli.

So whats included in Alli?

Essentially, Alli is made of up of Orlistat and a couple other inactive ingredients such as gelatin, , sodium lauryl sulphate, iron dioxide, talc, titanium dioxide, dibble ink.

So how does Orlistat work?

Orlistat directly impacts the digestive system by slowing down the production of lipase. This is important because lipase is the enzyme that breaks down fat into smaller components to stored or used by the body later.

Subsequently, more fat is released through bowel movements and is not broken down.

Now this is important.

Out of all the diet pills its important you know how to take Alli if you decide to purchase. Alli should be taken with a meal that contains no more than about 15 grams of fat.

It can be consumed up to 3 times a day with a fat containing meal and should only be taken if you are obese or mildly overweight. If you are at your normal healthy body weight then this pill is not needed.

Considering Alli can decrease the absorbtion of essential vitamins such as vitamin A,D,E and K, it is worth taking a multi vitamin tablet atleast 2 hours after taking Alli.

Alli can reduce the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients, including beta carotene and vitamins A, D, E and K. Take a multivitamin at bedtime and at least two hours after your last dose of Alli.

Side effects

Potential side effects can include more frequent bowel movements, abdominal discomfort, and slight headaches.

Don’t take Ali if you are…

• Already at a healthy weight
• Have Thyroid issues
• Have food absorbtion problems
• Suffer from Cardiovascular disease

The bottom line: I’m sure Wynoona Judd had some moderate success using the pill. I’m sure being the spokesperson and all, she also had to give credit to Alli for her weight loss.

However, Alli was definitely not the only reason she lost weight and can never replace a healthy diet and exercise. Alli has been around a long time and I would say is safe to use with the correct dosage.

Although it is safe I would definitely not like the uncomfortable bowel movements and passing gas that is a common side effect of this product. So I personally would give it a pass.

4. Kim Kardashian. Quick Trim

quicktrim Kim kardashian Weightloss

Quick Trim burst onto the scene in 2012. It was particularly popular considering it was backed by Kim Kardashian.

When looking at the product you can see her in a skimpily clad swimsuit promoting the product. Looks a little network marketety and scammy.

As with a lot of boom and bust diet pills it was back by a heavy and well run marketing campaign that thrust the pill onto the mainstream spotlight. With all this attention obviously brought about close scrutiny.

4 customers brought about a a 5 million dollar lawsuit on the grounds that the Kardashians made false claims and using deceptive marketing about the product.

Quick facts

• Endorsed by the kardashians specifically Kloe Kim, and Kourney
• 4 products brought to market
• Manufacturer: vitaquest international,
• Products are available at CVC, GNC, Walmart, Walgreens

4 products are Isocleanse, Fast cleanse, burn and cleanse, and extreme.

Is quick trim effective?

Judging by all the reviews I have seen and read online, this diet pill is not that popular. Furthermore, there is the potential for some unhealthy side effects. For example,
The Quicktrim burn and cleanse 14 day system has caffeine levels that are abnormally high. By the end of the day you may have consumed the equivalent of 4 cups of coffee just by following the instructions on these pills.

Obviously this is not good for your heart as it is working harder and faster than usual. Also it is not good for you blood pressure, which will rise with this amount of caffeine.

Bottom line: Quicktrim…more like a quick fix. No diet pill is a long term solution. However, some are more effective than others. Quick trim certainly is not one of those.

There are too many negative views online to justify this product being any good. Plus not worth the diahrrea, jitters, and surge in heart rate, which are the potential side effects of taking Quicktrim.

5. Fit tea: The kardashians now promote Fit Tea.

Kardashian Fit Tea

Product promotions endorsed by celebrities are very popular on Instagram. You see it everywhere. From the latest fashion accessories to well…tea.

So its no surprise when Khloe Kardashian posted a picture of herself promoting fit tea. We all know she was getting paid to promote this, however, this doesn’t mean that the product is a bad product.

So what ingredients give the makers of Fit tea to label their product as “fit”?

• Garcinina cambogia extract
• Green tea
• Stevia
• Lemon Juice
• Matcha green tea
• Honey
• Sea salt
• Guarana
• Rooibos
• Oolong

The ingredients are all natural and many are mixed and matched in other weight loss products.

All the ingredients are well known for being good anti oxidants, appetite suppressants, and improving the immune and digestive systems.

So I have no qualms that FIT tea is in fact safe and has good quality ingredients. The main question is does this tea help you lose weight?

I would say depending on your expectations it does. Reviews by actual consumer generally seem to be positive. For a individual who has been in the health and fitness game a long time, FIT tea certainly will help you lose weight but is obviously just a tea and not a magic solution.

Fit tea also doesn’t have an expiration date which means you can take it whenever you feel like it and don’t have to be concerned about consuming it on a strict time frame.

Verdict. I would give fit tea a shot. It is on the more pricey side but it does contain high quality ingredients. The ingredients are not only beneficial for weight loss but also help digestion and ridding the body of toxins. However, considering the strength of these ingredients in regards to cleaning out your digestive system you will likely be taking number 2 a lot… ehh

6. Lauren Goodger – Meratol

Lauren goodger weight loss meratol pill

If your from the UK and into celebrity gossip your probably no stranger to Lauren Goodger. Shes the lass who dated Mr. Jaw…oh yea, Mark Wright. She became famous after her appearance on the TV show “The only way is essex.”

Any who, it also happens she promotes a diet supplement called Meratol

What’s quite remarkable and inspirational is she went from a size 18 down to a size 10. Now there is no way this is only attributed to Meratol. However, what she is doing is clearly working.

So let’s take a look at this weight loss pill….

Ingredients wise Meratol has key ingredients which are all said to be clinically proven to increase your metabolism.

• Cactinea Powder
• Nopal
• Medicago Sativa L
• Ascophylum Nodosum
• Anhydrous Caffeine

When reading this ingredient list a lot of the ingredients I have not even heard of. The only ingredient included in other weight loss supplements that I had heard about was Anhydrous caffeine.

This got me curious as to whether the pill is legitimate or not.

Cactinea Powder:

Cactinea powder is a extract taken from cactus fruit that acts. It is 100% natural and organic. Known for its ability to rid the body of water weight, it also has some powerful antioxidant abilities


Another extract from a cactus! It comes from the prickly pear cactus family and can help control appetite and support the bodies fat burning process. It has a history of medicinal use from native tribes in America and indegenious populations.
Who knew cactuses could contained ingredients with such a strong health benefit.

Ascophylum Nodosum

This species of seaweed decreases fat accumulation allowing your body to focus its energy on removing fat currently being held by the body. It also has high metabolism boosting affects, and is a good buffer to help protect the immune system.

Medicago Sativa L

Medicago Sativa L is a plat that comes from the pea family. Its high in fiber, can reduce hunger bouts, regulates female hormones, and increases digestion.


Common ingredient in diet pills. Which provides heightened alertness and energy for any undertaking. Unlike some poor diet pills, Meratol has only a small amount of caffeine.

All these ingredients certainly are natural. In addition, based on looking at many consumer reviews there seems to be little side effects from taking Meratol.

In summary this is what Meratol claims to do:

• Speed up metabolism
• Heightened alertness
• increase energy levels
• reduce fatigue


Looking at amazon. On time of looking the reviews are 3.5/5 stars. There is a mixed bag with some people going berserk and others saying they noticed know noticeable difference.

Column pros and cons here:

Bottom line.

Bottom line is that Meratol gets a pass from me. Made more popular by TV show star Lauren Goodger, the pill has a well oiled marketing campaign behind it. It is also made by the “Advanced Health” a manufacturer behind many successful and popular diet pills. Having vetted the ingredients, the ingredients are safe and natural. The people who have taken meratol have had very little side effects. Reviews are also overall positive mixed in with some complaints relating to the pill not working.

7. Jennifer Lopez: Body Lab

Jennifer Lopez Bodylab review

Jennifer Lopez has a body men drool over and woman idolize. I remember a time in the 90’s when being thin was considered a attractive. Remember the saying “does my ass look big in this?”

Woman all over where trying to be skinny old sticks that had no womanly curves. During that time JLO hit the scene and started getting curvy back in again. People started to speak out against the fashionistas ideal body image of the size zero model.

Well thanks to Jennifer Lopez, Body Lab products have seen a surge in popularity.
Her face appears on literally all of Bodylabs products.

JLO is an official endorser of Bodylab and claims that their supplements have helped her get a booty and body like herself.

Bodylab does not focus on a single product but has a wide range of products. These include fat burners, protein powders, shakes, and energy boosting workout supplements.

Who are Body Lab?

Body Lab are a company with a wide range of fitness and health supplements which are specifically geared towards a woman’s physique. The company also promotes whole food diets, shopping lists and recipes that support a healthy lifestyle.

What I particularly liked about Body Lab was their mission statement and company qualities.
• Their products are made using plat-based compounds to get rid of fat and become lean.
• According to Jennifer Lopez she started promoting the brand due to a “holistic lifestyle.”
• No Creatine
• Provide education and support that will help you reach all your health and fitness goals
• No fad diets and no “magic pills.” Quality products backed by a healthy regimen.

Body Lab sells 6 products:

• Fat burning protein (Vanilla)
• Fat Burning Protein (Chocolate)
• Thermodynamic Total Burn
• Tasty whey protein complex shake
• Vanilla shake
• Fast Slim Kit

Are these products any good?

Now its hard to say that old Jennifer Lopez will be taking all these supplements. She may be, however, it is unlikely. Nonetheless the fact that a star as famous as her decided to use and promote Body Lab’s products must mean she liked something about the supplements.

Its beyond the scope of this article to do an in depth review of all the products of bodylab. The best rated and popular Body Lab products on amazon is the Tasty shake whey protein complex and Fat Burning Protein mix.

Bottom line: Overall I would say Body Lab are a good company to buy their products if you decide to go with them.

Judging by my research on customer reviews on Amazon, the protein complex and Tasty shake are what consumer love the most. The protein complex combines whey protein with natural fat burning compounds such as ginseng and green tea extract as well as coffee bean extract.

Tasty shake on the other hand is exactly the same as the protein complex except there is no coffee bean. In my mind…combining the whey protein mix with the fat burning natural plant properties is a nice little touch and smart marketing move.

Although I personally don’t use Body Lab, I would say Jennifer Lopez is right in saying that there is no “solution in a bottle.”

However, these products are high quality and ingredients have been around for a while in the health and fitness niche. Consequently, you know your not getting any old diet supplement but one that has been tried and tested over time.

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