Amway Meal Replacement Shakes Review

Friday 12th July 2024

Welcome to my Amway meal replacement shakes review. We will review Amway as a company and the products they promote like Nutrilite bodykey and Bodykey ready to drink meal replacement shake.

I made a couple of surprising and interesting finds will help you make the right choice when picking your weight loss meal replacement shake.

Amway as a company

What does Amway’s company background have to do with their actual nutrilite body meal replacement shake? Well actually quite a lot. It’s always important to check the company background as you can get an idea why their shakes are the the way they are.

You may discover things as that will help educate you on whether their products are worth buying or not. In the case of Amway their are some very important things to take into account.

The first time I viewed Amway I thought the site was a ecommerce shop selling health and nutrition products. However, Amway is not the typical health ecommerce company but more a direct sales organisation that helps find distributors and recruits to sell their affiliated brands.

On the “about me” page Amway describe themselfs not as a supplement and nutritional company but as one of the “largest direct selling businesses in the world.”

In short Amway are a network marketing company. Network marketing companies can also be known as many other terms like multi level marketing(MLM), direct selling, and referral marketing. Before buying from a Multi level marketing company, it’s important to know what these companies do

Essentially, Amway makes its money “multiple levels” of distributors and recruits. You can make money by either selling Amway products directly to customers or by managing a group of distributors.

So is this a good or bad thing?

The good 

Network marketing business models are good for distributors and independent sales reps (recruits) that want to make money such as those selling Amway products.

For example, anyone can join up the Amway program and start their business selling Amway products. Anyone can also join and start building a team of recruits under them selling products of Amway. Obviously they do not keep all the profit with Amway also taking a cut of sales made.

Herbalife and Shakeology kind of operate under this model to. They heavily promoted with affiliates who also make a commission selling the product.

The bad.

Companies that operate under this model tend to receive plenty of criticism regarding their business ethics and motivations. I believe Network marketing businesses by their inherent nature do not have customer satisfaction at heart.

For starters the focus is never really on the customer and producing the best product on the market. It’s more about profit and focusing on recruiting the most business people to promote their product.

Secondly, a majority of the time MLM companies receive criticism about how their recruits are treated. Plenty of these companies can act like selling a dream when they are not selling much.

For example, I’m sure you might of heard infomercials or ads on tv saying you “change your life forever” ..make money from you bed. Majority of the time these are a huge exaggeration of the truth and require you to buy resources and starter kits which is all more money for the MLM.

The bigger network and more people recruited the more cash they can make. That is one of the core downsides of all the products. Having looked at many other meal replacement shakes in the past.

The best quality shakes are NEVER from multi level marketing companies but regular ecommerce supplemenet/nutrtional companies. Out of my favourite meal replacement shakes, none of the them a MLM’s.

If you got a group of the biggest MLM’s in the world and put them all together they all have the same clinical feel. They all look a little bland and their branding is off sync from something that should scream healthy.

Amway have many brands created under them which they promote for example:

  • Nutrilite
  • Artistry
  • XS
  • Legacy of Clean

Nutrilite is the brand created by Amway that sells meal replacement shakes. Their Bodykey weight management products include the two meal replacements shakes below: These come in the form of packets or liquid drink form.

Bodykey ready to drink meal replacement shake
BodyKey™ by Nutrilite™ Strawberry Meal Replacement Shake Mix

Bodykey by Nutrilite Meal Replacement Shake

Amway body key meal replacement

What’s included 

Protein: 20g of whey protein isolate.

Vitamine’s and minerals: Contains essential vitamins such as Vitamin D and Vitamin E. It also contains iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, and folate.

Fiber: 4g of fiber

Flavours include strawberry, chocolate and French vanilla

Recommended way to take Amway.

Blend or shake into a cup and take 1 or 2 time a day. I would recommend taking only one shake a day. If you had lunch and dinner as a meal replacement shake it really does not sound healthy to me. You will lose weight but not the right way.


Vitamins: Vitamins and minerals are all organically sourced and grown on own certified organic farms.

Flavour: Option to choose between strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla flavour.

Protein: The shake is high in protein. It contains 20g of Whey protein isolate


No supergreens: In comparison to other top meal replacement shakes, bodykey meal replacement shake does not contain any super greens and veggies.

Super greens are necessary as they are replacing the veggies you get on whole foods. Remember no super greens could ever replace the benefit of whole foods. However, super greens should form an essential part of any diet.

For example, kale, lettuce, broccoli, spinach. All great ingredients to increase your health.

No probiotics: Probiotics are necessary for increasing your gut health and aiding with digestion. Essentially they help keep you gut and immune system strong. Many top meal replacement shakes contain probiotics in their ingredients. Unfortunately, Amway Bodykey does not.

It is not the be or end all, but a full meal consists of probiotics.

Contains soy and milk: Soy and milk are not the best quality ingredients if your going to be taking this shake daily. I tend to avoid all dairy type products because of the lactose and the fact I just don’t think milk is all that healthy(another story of another time).

Soy on the other hand has very mixed research. If your a Male, it can cause you to have man boobs. This is because of isoflavones which can mimic the activity of oestrogen.

For women, Soy has been linked to infertility. For example, check this research out his research by the BBC into the effects of soy on fertility.  Soy can also said to stop the development of a child.  On the other end there is research suggesting soy is good.

My personal take is that I would avoid consuming soy. I don’t feel there is sufficient enough research to support the healthy benefit of soy.

Contains whey protein: Whey protein is fine to take. Many athletes, gym goers, and regular dieters take whey protein to help them reach their weight loss goals.

However, it’s important you take high quality whey protein isolate.

One of my favourite whey protein shakes in primal kitchen is whey.

However, plant based proteins are still the healthier than whey protein.

High amounts of Sugar(9 grams!): There is a very high amount of sugar included in body key. It may help the shake taste sweeter, however, this amount of sugar is unhealthy. Fitness and athletes don’t even have this much sugar with their shakes.

As something that claims to aid weight loss is might be doing opposite. 9 grams of daily sugar content and 18g if you take the shake twice a day, is more than I would feel comfortable taking.

What’s even worse is what the sugar is made up of (explained below).

Sucralose:  A disadvantage of Bodykey is that it does contain sucralose. Sucralose is a artificial sugar source derived made in laboratories. It has been known to affect your gut by decreasing the “good” bacteria. It can also increase glucose and insulin levels.

I would avoid consuming any product that has this all together.

What are other people saying?

Its notoriously difficult to find personal reviews online for this meal replacement shake. This is slightly worrying considering top brand reviews are normally very easy to find on large e-commerce platforms or forums.

I did find a product page on Amazon. If you scroll down to the reviews section there is some reviews.

The general sentiment is that the shake taste is not amazing but tolerable. There are some tendencies for grittiness and thickness. However, adding extra ingredients to the mix like veggies and fruit, or yogurt can help.

Are other people losing weight because of this shake?

I always see this question when consumers are talking about meal replacement shakes. You can lose weight on having only a potato a day if you really wanted to.

What really matters though is how beneficial the shake is towards helping you lose weight the healthy way. From my research about this shake, I do not feel it is a healthy way to lose weight.

Nonetheless, from the few reviews I found, the opinions are mixed. Some people have felt they have lost weight others have not. You should always take this with a pinch of salt, as weight loss depends on other factors too like the amount of exercise they are doing or other foods they are eating.

Where can I buy Amway Body Key Meal Replacement Shake?

If my

Amway bodykey meal replacement review has not discouraged you, Amway is sold on their official  product page and on Amazon.

Amway Liquid Meal Replacement Shake

Bodykey liquid meal replacement shake


Contains vitamins a, D, K ,B6,B12,

Only 140 calories. Not a heavy shake and means you will not stack up the calories. The shake will not leave you bloated and can ensure your operating at a low calorie intake.

Don’t have to mix or shake up. Just store away in the fridge and drink when ready. Probably the most convenient thing you can do.

Good selection of flavours. The drink comes in french vanilla and milk chocolate.


Sugar is 11g!: For me this is a crazy amount of sugar for a so called meal replacement. I don’t care if it even has vitamins and minerals now. Imagine having this shake for breakfast and lunch. That’s 22 grams of sugar, which is the equivalent to 4 teaspoons.

Contains high amounts of Sodium: The Amway liquid meal replacement drink contains 270mg of sodium. Sodium makes up 11% of the product for the milk chocolate flavour.

This is simply too high for my liking.

My opinion

I believe the liquid shake does contain good amount of protein at 15 grams. This is less than what you would get in the bodykey meal replacement which contains 20g. However, it is still high enough to give your muscles the added nutrition they need.

It is also great that the body key includes vitamins.

However, I would feel very uneasy consuming this shake due to the amount of sugar and sodium. These are the deal breakers for me.

At 11g and 270mg of sodium, this shake is very unhealthy. It also doesn’t help that the protein source is derived from milk and soy. Whey protein is ok, but soy I do not like. I have heard to many negative things about soy to be consuming this ingredient regularly as explained above.

Recommended way to Take Amway

Drink up for either breakfast or lunch. The official site recommends you can have 1-2 shakes a day to replace a meal. However, I would stick to 1 shake. You don’t want a majority of your diet to be shakes. You will miss out on the huge nutritional benefit of whole foods. Store in a cool dry place.

What is working for me?

Vega One


I personally take Vega One. I have also taken many of the my recommended alternatives to Shakeology if you need more options. For me Vega One is much more healthy than Amway.

It includes only 1gram of sugar, everything is plant based, and has probiotics, supergreens and no artificial colours. It’s the best shake on the market for me.

The best place to buy vega one is from Amazon or Vega official product page.

Need more options: my favourite meal replacement shakes.


The positives of body key meal replacement shake and its’ liquid alternative is that they contain a good amount of protein and have vitamins and minerals. However this is not enough to persuade me to buy the shake.

The negatives out way the positives. For example, the sugar content is just way too high. The meal replacement contains 9g while the liquid drink contains 11g.  This is too much sugar for something that is supposed to be aiding your weight loss goals. It also is missing super greens and probiotics and contains whey and soy.

The fact that Amway are also a Multi level marketing company gives me doubts over whether they actually care about making their products the best possible products for their customers.

I feel that they strung together a ok product and primarily focused on the marketing and sales recruitment to sell this product. Luckily, there are fantastic alternatives to Amway.

I personally use Vega One, which I think is one of the healthiest shakes out there.

However, you can also check out my recommended alternatives to Shakeology. These are also fantastic shakes that can really help your diet goals.

I normally find Amazon the best place to buy shakes and get some good deals.

Check out price of Vega One on Amazon 

Check out my recommended alternatives to Amway. 

Thank you for reading my Amway meal replacement shakes review. Whatever shake you decide to go for I wish you luck on your journey!

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