Vega One VS Shakeology

Saturday 27th July 2024

Hey there! Its your friendly neighbourhood Leyla.

Choosing the right meal replacement shake is crucial if you care about your health. Considering you will be having your shake everyday to replace whole meals, you want to make sure your shake contains all the nutrients a full meal would have.

Trust me…skin conditions, allergies, and ill health can happen over years of bad nutrition. This was certainly the case for me, when I got psoriasis all over my body.

I would wake up to bed sheets full of dead skin and scratching myself till I bled due to the intense itching. I believe my psoriasis was triggered through years of bad diet.

Ever since then I have taken a huge interest in nutrition making sure that what I eat  is there to heal and nourish my body.

I have received a couple questions from my viewers asking me about Vega one vs Shakeology. I thought why not do a review on both?

Considering Vega one is my favourite meal replacement shakes, I thought I would provide a in-depth review to how these shakes compare. Personally, I would recommend Vega one all day any day.

Vega as a company

Vega One


Trustworthy company: Vega one looks like a well-respected and trustworthy company to buy products from. Upon visiting the website, the layout is simple and straightforward and not overly aggressive with promotions.

Vega one’s mission statement is to share

knowledge, nutrition, and inspiration to support your quest to thrive.”

Essentially, Vega one are all about creating the most nutrient rich shake on the market.

This is one of my favourite things about Vega One. Plant based nutrition is the most healthy form of nutrition out there and Vega One is packed with plant based goodness.

From the protein sources to the super-greens everything is plant heavy.

Customer focused: I checked out their blog, and was also impressed by the wide range of recipes they have to follow. They have everything from workout snacks and smoothies to breakfast and dinner recipes. I personally enjoyed trying the blueberry orange smoothie.

Well respected and trusted: I personally like the fact this product isn’t pushed hard by sleezy sales copy or money hungry promoters. There is a lot of crap online and sometimes its hard to find companies with good values and a strong product.


Shakeology as a Company.

Shakeology any good

Spammy marketing company?: I did not get the same trustworthy feeling as Vega One when visiting the Shakeology website. The site feels more like a marketing company than an high end nutritional website.

The sponsors and so called “nutritional experts” are Plastic surgeons, age specialists, and ear and nose doctors. Its quite bizarre how they people from these professions giving education on something that is not in their field. I believe the only reason they are on the website is because they have “Dr” (doctor) as their title.

The before and after weight loss pics also kinda give the impression of a sleezy diet pill company that magically can help you lose weight. I feel this separates the two in the Vega one vs Shakeology debate. Whereas Vega One comes across as a source for getting great nutrition, the Shakeology  setup reflects more a marketing and promotions company.

Bad promotion methods: Shakeology promote their products very heavily.  One may think this is normal of any successful company. However, the way Shakeology do it is very different from Vega One.

You get tons of beach body coaches promoting the product and giving postive reviews. Ultimately, these people are hired so it’s difficult to tell the honest reviews from the fake.

Exotic superfoods: A good and bad thing about Shakeology is the exotic super foods it contains. The fact Shakeology contains exotic superfoods means that it does separate itself from other shakes out there. I don’t know many shakes that contain pomegranate, Luo hon Guo extract (whatever that is), and Reishi (Funghi) in one shake. These are not even all the exotic foods.

However, the downside is that a lot of these ingredients are unproven. Sticking to super healthy greens like everyday brocolli, spinach is something I prefer as I know their nutritional benefit.

If you prefer something more exotic shakeology may be more down your alley.

Vega One Features

One of the best features about vega one is its rich plant based protein. Vega one contains 20 grams per serving of hemp protein, organic sunflower seed protein, pea protein and pumpkin seed protein.

Pea protein

Plant based protein sources are always the healthiest over the processed whey protein. Whey can be inflammatory, and is also processed with lactose. This is not that healthy especially for those with lactose intolerance as it can cause digestion problems as the body struggles to break down the lactose.

This explains why whey can cause you become gassy. I don’t want to slag off whey protein as it is a good protein source when it comes to convenience. However, I would stick to whey protein for a quick post workout shake to complete your protein intake and not a full meal replacement.

Plant based proteins cause less digestive problems and combine to give you all the nutrients you want.  I like how Vega one combines a great lethal combo of multi source plant based proteins.

low sugar

Low sugar. This is a real deal clincher for me. At only 1 gram of sugar Vega One will definitely help you reach your weight loss goals in a healthy way. There are plenty of shakes on the market with higher levels of sugar like Isagenix and Shakeology.

Tons of Super foods. 

Vega one comes with a ton of superfoods. This include vitamins, probiotics, super greens, fruits and omega’s.

You can genuinly tell this shake is healthy by looking at the colour. Its bright green!

Kale, spinach, brocolli, spirulina, quinoa sprouts, maca root, lettuce, are all greens you would buy and put into a juicer. They are not some unheard of exotic fruits and veggies which you may hear in shakeology.

You know what your getting and that is a ton of healthy greens. The benefit of these greens is they are great for digestion and very low in calories. This can help with your weight loss goals.

Greens also makeup perfect anti-oxidants. All the skin conditions in the world, people have managed to clear or help through the use of juicing and eating super greens.

Fiber: There is a high amount of dietary fiber. At 4 grams muscle rebuilding and digestion can be improved with fiber. You’ll definitely notice the improved digestion.

Just remember though. If you packing a diet full of fibre it can also cause some indigestion. I did not experience this but fibre is known for being a cure to constipation.


I think all meal replacement shakes need to have probiotics. Vega one includes 2 billion CFUs bacillus coagulans. 

What on earth is that your asking? Probiotics come in different strains. The probiotic used in Vega one is a bacterium that is known for producing spores and lactic acid. This probiotic is mainly known to improve your digestion, decrease inflammation.

Essentially it is good bacteria that helps fight the bad bacteria.


The best feature about Vega one is the shakes multi-nutritional benefit. Just like Shakeology, the fact it includes so many nutrients like pro-biotics, vitamins, plant protein, and super greens means it really does act as a all in one meal.

vega one nutritional label


Other shakes always seem to missing one thing but Vega includes it all. Shakeology is much the same and is a great multi-source meal replacement shake. The downside to Shakeology is the cost and sugar content which I will come onto later.

How I felt after 1 Month Of Vega One 

So I have been an advocate of Vega One for a long time. I personally love the shake and the fact its plant based. I have taken meal replacement shakes in the past with Whey protein. I have found myself passing gas and sometimes feeling un-comfort in the stomach.

With Vega One, I don’t get any discomfort or pass gas. Instead I feel like I am infusing my system with lots of healthy greens and vitamins.

One thing you will notice is that you may feel a little bit hungry if your a very active person. The shake on its own mixed with water will not fill you up if you had a very hard workout. This is why I found myself snacking a little on nuts and fruits while also adding some extra carbs to my shake.

I found Vega one tasted good but not like a chocolate sundae. It was not amazing and up there with the tastiest shakes I have taken. However, I pride myself on feeding my body what it needs and that is most important for me.

Adding banana and fruits really does make the shake taste even better. On its own though it is still good but doesn’t quite have the punch and flavour of additional ingredients.

What are other people saying about Vega One


The majority of people really love the taste of Vega One, however, there are also those that do not. It is all down to personal preference. You can visit Amazons product review page to make your own judgements.  For me, the texture, creaminess, all add to making this shake good tasting. My favourite was the chocolate fudge. I have also tasted the Mocha flavour which was too strong for me but did give a good kick.

Some of those that do love the taste normally have combined it with additional foods like fruits and bananas. But that still makes the shake great.

As stated above my honest opinion on taste is that the shake is tasty but not amazing. However, to get an incredible range of health benefits for a ok shake is way more important for me. There are shakes out there that taste great but are extremely unhealthy. I would rather it be the other way around.

The only few negative views online all seem to stem from the taste.

French Vanilla is better than Vanilla Chai

Judging by the reviews online French Vanilla flavour went down better than the vanilla chai flavour. So if you want a good vanilla flavour go for the french vanilla.

Vega One All In One Review

Robert in the video had similar feelings towards Vega one as I did. Nutrients are everything. Even if the shake is not mouth wateringly tasty it is packed with everything you could ask for in a meal replacement. So very healthy and worth every penny.

I agree with taste that it can be an acquired taste to some people. However, adding the shake with extra fruits will make the shake taste nice. Your paying for what this shake will do to your body.

Vega One (20 servings)1601g6g20*****Check Lowest Price on Amazon
Shakeology (30 servings)1607g6g17*****Check Lowest Price on Amazon

Shakeology vs Vega One

Protein: The protein intake in Shakeolgoy is less than Vega One. Shakeology contains 17 grams of protein compared to Vega-one’s 20. So if you would like the extra 3 grams for those muscle building efforts I would go with Vega One.

Both contain the same type of plant based protein sources. For example pea protein, savi seed and rice protein are included in the shake.

Taste: In the battle of tase I would say they both are good tasting. As with anything taste is up to the person trying the shake. Shakeology has a higher sugar so it may taste slightly sweeter. Online the majority of reviews are positive for the taste of both shakes.

There are a couple that complain about taste but this is expected from a purely plant based shake.

Business Models:

Out of all the shakes out there Shakeology is probably the most heavily promoted. This is down to their affiliate structure which rewards beachbody coaches who sell the product. Everywhere I look there is a “coach” raving about how good shakeology is.

To a casual observer they may think its a normal person. However, they are paid by shakeology to do this. In my mind a good product should speak for itself.

Vega One on the other hand is not that heavily promoted yet is still a very popular shake. If check amazon there are over 1000 customer reviews for this shake.

Sugar: Shakeology contains 9grams of sugar. Thats an awful lot for something that claims to be healthy. Vega One on the other hand is only 1 g of stevia.


Both shakes contain vitamin A, C, D, E, K

Healthiness: In terms of nutrient content both shakes are healthy. However, what separates them is their sugar content.

Price: Last time I checked Shakeology costs $130 for 30 servings. Vega One on the other hand costs $60 for 20 servings.


  • Vega One has more protein at 20g compared to Shakeology 17
  • Vega is less expensive
  • Vega One has less sugar
  • Shakeology contains more Salt than Vega One
  • Both shakes contain a great combination of vitamins, probiotics and super greens
How do I use Vega One or shakeology

Meal replacement shakes are very easy to use. You can shake, or blend your shake …the choice is yours.

I normally shake it up in cold water as I’m quite lazy.

However, you can also throwing it into a blender. Add fruits such as bananas, apples or berries for flavour.  Vega  have a great recipe section if you need ideas.


Which shake is more healthy?

Vega one. In the comparison above, shakeology contains more sugar (9 grams) and salt than Vega one. Vega one only contains 1g and is much cheaper. Sugar is poison when it comes to daily consumption of shakes and something you should avoid.

The composition of everything else is relatively similar. Both contain the same vitamin composition and are made up of probiotics.

Shakeology does contain slightly more fibre than Vega one products and is composed of exotic superfoods. However, Vega One contains more of the normal and healthy superfoods you would see in a supermarket like Kale, brocolli and spinach to name a few.


Are these shakes fine to use as meal replacements?

I would recommend you stay away from Shakeology purely because of the high sugar content. You don’t wanna risk the long term damage to your body. Sugar is fine but in moderation.

As a person who is very sensitive to sugar it would probably cause flareups of psoriasis which is why I don’t take shakeology.

Vega one results

If you are talking about weight loss. You can get results by eating a grain of rice every day. I judge a nutrition shake not so much on how many calories it contains but on its nutritional value.

I can’t vouch for shakeology but I use Vega one on a regular basis and in terms of meeting my nutritional needs it does everything. Protein to help build muscle made up of healthy greens and contains plenty of probiotics and vitamins.

Which shake tastes better?

This is down to ones personal taste buds. I find Vega one is a good tasting shake but it is not the “creme de la creme” when it comes to taste.

Having visited the product review page on Amazon, many reviewers love the taste, however, their are also those that don’t.

Although I have not tasted shakeology the general reviews online are that shakeology is also a good tasting shake.

I believe the nutritional content is the most important aspect of a meal replacement…so for me consuming a

There are plenty of recipes for your meal replacement online: if you feel like varying things up.

How can I make my shake taste better?

After 1 month of a meal replacement shake you may feel the need to vary up the flavour. There are many great recipes for Vega one which I have used in the past. For example, you can stick to something simple by adding in a banana, almond milk and berries.

Alternatively, Vega one have a good recipe page which you can check out for more ideas.

How long before I see weight loss improvements?

Depends on exercise and if your operating at a calorie deficit. The great thing about a meal replacement shake is you don’t have to count calories. 1 meal replacement and two additional meals throughout the day is all you need.

You should expect to see results within a week if you are eating clean and exercising.

Even without exercise results should show provided you don’t go overboard with calories from other foods.

If you feel hungry don’t feel guilty about snacking on something healthy. You don’t need to starve yourself to lose weight.

Vega one Discount/Coupon


If your like me, I’m always trying to find a good deal and save money.

Amazon consistently have the best savings.

Vega One official website also has great discount and coupons. You can find them on their homepage.



Vega One wins hands down. Where it edges Shakeology is on sugar and price. It not only contains less sugar but is much cheaper.

I’m all for paying a little bit more for quality but Shakeology is more a rip off. This is down to their business model which adds extra $$$ to pay for their beachbody coaches who spam the web promoting the product.

I don’t want to completely bash Shakeology as it does contain Vitamins, greens and probiotics and some interesting exotic fruits.

However, for me price and sugar are too big factors that I simply cannot ignore.

The huge benefit of Vega one is the how healthy the shake is. It has plenty of probiotics, vitamins, super greens and protein….and all for a affordable price.

Just like to say Vega keep doing what your doing. Your shakes are great!

Where to buy: I regularly purchase off the Vega One Product page on Amazon.

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1 thought on “Vega One VS Shakeology”

  1. Excellent read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing a little research on shakes to buy. And he actually bought me lunch since I found it for him. So let me rephrase that: Thanks for lunch!


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